hello geckie


At 21 I had a clear vision of my life: there was no doubt I was going to get married my boyfriend with whom we had been together for quite a long time. But something went wrong. In my head of course. And this plan fell apart. Never mind, for two years I believed there was no smarter person than I was and everything I did felt somehow right.

When I was 24 I was eager for learning English because I wanted to pass the IELTS and thought that it was the mere obstacle on my way to Aussi.

At 25 I discovered that I am a big fat idler and having a nice luxury car would be a better option rather than dreaming of a fairy country where nobody waits for my arrival.

At 26 my car was still looking at me from the www.lexus.ru pretty sure I was not gonna buy it. At least in the next 3 years.

Okay. . Here I am 27 yo  smoking an electronic cigarette and starting this blog all over again. Im still single, live in Moscow,hate winters, not sure whether I love my job. In short nothing has actually changed. And this is a bit frustrating.

To fill my mind and time and to distract my dear self from sad thoughts  I started learning hebrew. an obvious activity in this case nah? The language is difficult, makes my brain creak, and takes all the efforts. Just try to pronounce this – daber l’at b’vakasha. Ah no! Try to read this!

בבקשה לדבר לאט יותר

Funny, ha?))

It is Saturday) and guess what I am doing on Saturdays now))